Publication overview

Research center

CHRU Bretonneau

Tours, France

CHRU Bretonneau

About the center

In France, the Project MinE research is conducted at the University Hospital of Tours and the University Hospital of Limoges. The ALS centers of these hospitals are major referral centers for ALS patients in France. The dedicated teams provide multidisciplinary care for ALS patients and caregivers and are also engaged in clinical research. Research projects include studies in ALS genetics and clinical trials. The centers are committed to international collaborations to speed up the search for a cure of ALS and are therefore participating in Project MinE.

Philippe Corcia


CHU Bretonneau and University Francois Rabelais of Tours

Philippe Corcia


Professor Philippe Corcia is an expert in motor neuron diseases (MNDs). He is Neurologist in the University Hospital of Tours since 1995 and member of the ARSLA Scientific Board and of the Team 2 “Génétique et Métabolomique” of the Inserm Unit UMR U930,”Imagerie et Cerveau” Tours.

Since 2012 he is investigator in STRENGTH (Survival, Trigger and Risk, Epigenetic, eNvironmental and Genetic Targets for motor neuron Health),  NUTRALS (Impact d’une supplémentation alimentaire précoce par voie orale sur l’état fonctionnel des patients atteints de sclérose latérale amyotrophique) and PULSE (PHRC: Etude des facteurs prédictifs de l’évolutivité de la sclérose latérale amyotrophique. Caractéristiques pronostiques et endophénotypiques. Mise en place d’une banque nationale de données). He is coordinator of the MARIA project (Microglial Activation Role In ALS) and the project “Evaluation of the glutamate-induced alterations of the metabolism in an in vitro model of ALS using metabolomics and transcriptomics approaches” a project is financially supported by the ARSLA association.