Publication overview

Research center

University of Queensland

Brisbane, Australia

University of Queensland

About the center

The Australian researchers collaborate in the Sporadic ALS Australia Systems Genomics Consortium (SALSA-SGC). SALSA-SGC brings together established ALS researchers, ALS research clinicians and researchers new to ALS with expertise in analysis of genomics big data. The logistics of establishing SALSA-SGC is masterminded by Anjali Henders. The consortium is led by Professor Naomi Wray, from the University of Queensland and Associate Professor Ian Blair, from Macquarie University, NSW.

Allan McRae

Principal Research Fellow

Institute for Molecular Bioscience

Allan McRae

Principal Research Fellow

Dr Allan McRae leads the Systems Genomics group at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience at The University of Queensland. With a research background in statistics and genetics, Dr McRae works with measures of molecular traits to understand the regulation of the genome and how this creates variation between people.

Over the last few years, he has been applying these approaches to the understanding of the causes of MND and the heterogeneity in disease onset and progression.

Naomi Wray

Professor in Statistical and Psychiatric Genetics

Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland

Naomi Wray

Professor in Statistical and Psychiatric Genetics

Professor Naomi Wray holds joint appointments at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB) and the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) within The University of Queensland. She is a National Health and Medical Research Council Principal Research Fellow and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science. She is a Board Member of the International Society for Psychiatric Genetics, and is Associate Editor for the journals JAMA Psychiatry and Genetics. Her research focusses on development of quantitative genetics and genomics methodology with application to psychiatric and neurological disorders.
Naomi Wray, Prof Peter Visscher and A/Prof Jian Yang together comprise the Executive Team of the Complex Trait Genomics Group (CTGG) funded as an NHMRC Program Grant 2017-2021. The CTGG comprises a critical mass of more than 30 post-doctoral researchers plus research assistants and students, all supported by external grant funding. CTGG is structured into five research themes: Statistical Genomics, Systems Genomics, Psychiatric Genomics, MND Genomics and Genomics of Cognitive Ageing.